Corporate & Social Responsibility
Published on 19/01/2021

ALD Automotive awarded for its CSR commitments

A key player of the energy transition in the mobility landscape

For the 5th consecutive year, ALD Automotive has been recognized by EcoVadis with a Gold distinction for the quality of its commitments and CSR performance, both nationally and internationally.

EcoVadis assessed ALD Automotive's sustainable development performance according to 21 criteria and 4 categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and responsible purchasing practices. With a score of 70/100, the Group's assessment ranks ALD Automotive in the Top 3% companies evaluated by EcoVadis, the reference rating agency for CSR performance. It makes ALD Automotive one of the best performers in the sector, before their competitors.

This recognition, obtained with an increase of 2 points vs. last year, reflects ALD Automotive’s dedication to position itself as a key player of the energy transition in the mobility landscape, in all the countries where it operates.

And Societe Generale’s subsidiary doesn’t intend to stop here. In the 5 coming years, its CSR commitment will grow even stronger. The company has bold ambitions on sustainable mobility, employer responsibility, business practices and internal carbon footprint. These ambitions are nurtured by its strategy plan Move 2025, being part of the “Move for Good” key pillar. With this pillar, ALD Automotive commits to place people and CSR at the heart of everything it does.