Societe Generale signs two international charters on inclusion and diversity

Published on 14/10/2016

Societe Generale has signed two international charters: the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Business and Disability charter, which promotes the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workplace, and the United Nations Women Empowerment Principles. The signing of these two charters reaffirms Societe Generale’s commitment to inclusion and diversity. Their principles will apply in all the Group’s entities around the world.

The ILO Global Business and Disability Network Charter
The ILO Business and Disability charter sets out ten commitments covering different areas: protecting disabled persons from any form of discrimination, promoting accessibility in all its forms, raising awareness and combating stereotypes about persons with disabilities, taking measures to support employees who acquire a disability, etc.

By signing this charter, Societe Generale will join the Global Business and Disability Network set up by the ILO. This network comprises multi-national companies, employer and employee organisations and NGOs and aims to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workplace around the world.  The network facilitates the sharing of knowledge and best practice between companies, networks and the ILO.

The United Nations Women Empowerment Principles
As part of the Global Compact initiative, the UN has set out Principles that give practical guidance to businesses and the private sector on how to achieve gender equality in the workplace. There are seven Principles combining action on the ground and influential structural initiatives.
Societe Generale is already highly committed in this area and intends to promote its existing initiatives and encourage the sharing of best practice between Group entities in terms of non-discrimination, healthcare, well-being, education, training and professional development. It hopes to instil renewed momentum with a forward-looking approach to empowering women, which will extend to its external stakeholders (corporate development, supply chain, community initiatives, etc.).

For further information about the Women’s Empowerment Principles:

“These commitments reinforce the policy of Societe Generale Group in terms of non-discrimination and diversity. The Charters set out clear general principles and guidelines allowing us to go further on human rights and non-discrimination. They engage the Group in its international dimension to make progress on what is already existing within the company, to widely implement the Charters with our operational teams and to share good practices with the signatory companies”, explains Edouard-Malo Henry, Societe Generale Group Head of Human Resources.

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