Published on 02/12/2016

Growing employee involvement is enhancing the work of the Societe Generale Foundation for Solidarity

The Group’s solidarity policy is primarily expressed through the actions of the Societe Generale Corporate Foundation for Solidarity, created in 2006, and the implementation of involvement programmes for employees, which resonate with the Group’s four key values: commitment, team spirit, responsibility and innovation.

  • For the past 10 years, the Societe Generale Foundation for Solidarity has been committed to promoting professional integration and inclusion through culture and sports
  • €20 million have been invested in nearly 850 non-profit projects helping 250,000 beneficiaries in 29 countries
  • Launch of innovative skills sponsorship programmes, Pro Bono Days and fund raising events to get employees involved in community projects
  • Every year, 15,000 employees take part in solidarity-based initiatives. In 2015, they donated the equivalent of 5,000 work days to skills sponsorship programmes