Societe Generale acts to reduce its own carbon footprint and contribute to environmental efforts

Published on 19/01/2022

To mark the 8th internal Environmental Efficiency Award, Societe Generale presents its commitment to reduce its own carbon footprint: cutting carbon emissions by 50% between 2019 and 2030 through action on office energy consumption, IT, air travel and vehicle fleets.

Diony Lebot

In line with our corporate purpose, Societe Generale places CSR at the heart of our strategy and activities. As a responsible bank, we are aligned with trajectories compatible to the Paris Agreement scenarios, supporting our clients in their ecological transition while also reducing our own carbon footprint. The responsibility for fighting global warming involves us all, whether a bank or a private citizen, and we can also count on the commitment and innovation of our staff to contribute to collective efforts

Diony Lebot, Diony Lebot, Societe Generale group’s Deputy CEO
Hacina Py

The Environmental Efficiency Award organised by Societe Generale is an opportunity to recognise members of staff acting to reduce the Group’s carbon footprint, in line with the ambition to cut our own CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030. Their initiatives in the workplace complete and develop our global commitments. I was struck by the number of initiatives submitted and moved by the enthusiasm and positive energy around this award scheme. It is a strong signal of the collective will to act and of our capacity to generate significant positive impact.

Hacina Py, Group Chief Sustainability Officer at Societe Generale

8th Environmental Efficiency Award

Societe Generale encourages innovation through an annual Environmental Efficiency Award, in place since 2013. Sponsored by Diony Lebot, Deputy CEO, and Hacina Py, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, the award is based on an original approach. Each year, a carbon tax is collected from Group entities based on their CO₂ emissions and then redistributed to reward the best environmental efficiency initiatives launched by staff in the areas of real estate, IT, paper, transport and waste management.

Key figures for the 2020-2021 award:

  • 193 entries submitted by staff
  • 23 participating countries
  • 68 eligible initiatives resulting in savings of nearly 22,000 T CO2 (equivalent to the annual emissions of nearly 1,800 French households) and €17.8m between 2020-2021

To find out more about the Environmental Efficiency Award, visit


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