Hacina Py appointed Societe Generale Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer

Published on 01/10/2021

Societe Generale today announced the appointment of Hacina Py as Societe Generale Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer as of 20 October 2021. She will also join the Group Management Committee. Demonstrating the central part of CSR in the Group’s strategy, the Chief Sustainability Officer will report directly to General Management as of 1 January 2022, under the supervision of Diony Lebot, Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

Hacina Py replaces Sylvie Préa, who will assist her in her new position as Senior Advisor until the end of 2021, before engaging into skills-based sponsorship missions within non-governmental organisations.

Hacina Py has been Global Head of Export Finance and Impact Finance Solutions for Global Banking and Investor Solutions for several years.

Frédéric Oudéa, Societe Generale Group Chief Executive Officer said: “We’re very happy for Hacina Py to take over as Chief Sustainability Officer. We are committed to acting as a true leader on CSR issues, by supporting our clients in jointly building more inclusive and sustainable paths for our economies. We have put CSR at the heart of the Group’s strategy. It will be one of the three pillars of our next strategic plan for 2025. Hacina’s experience will be instrumental to make sure those issues are at the core of our business development and reinforce our positive impact. I would also like to extend my warmest thanks to Sylvie Préa. She has worked for the bank for 36 years and her faultless commitment has made a decisive contribution to the Group’s CSR progress over the past years.”

Complete biography of Hacina Py

Hacina Py joined Societe Generale in 1995 and has developed as a seasoned banker through various positions, both in structured finance and in corporate roles.

Hacina was appointed Global Head of Export Finance in 2015. She led the transformation of the business line with a strong sustainability focus and took over the position of Head of Impact Finance Solutions in 2019.

Hacina Py graduated from the EM Strasbourg business school and studied finance at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh.

Press Contact: 
Amandine Grison +33 (0)1 41 45 92 40 amandine.grison@socgen.com