Published on 28/06/2018

Societe Generale supports the Fondation Femmes@Numérique

Societe Generale is fully engaged in the global efforts of Femmes@Numérique to promote greater numbers of female employees in the digital professions. With a shortage of talent in this growing sector, gender parity is vital to guarantee the performance and sustainability of the Group as it speeds up its digital transformation to better meet the expectations of its customers.

In a sector still dominated by men, Femmes@Numérique is a global enterprise to scale up and federate the different initiatives across France to promote women in the digital professions.
It is structured around three pillars: a collective of more than 40 associations promoting this issue, a foundation created under the aegis of the Fondation de France by 42 founding companies, and the commitment by the French Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, Mounir Mahjoubi.

The Fondation Femmes@Numérique supports and finances activities that strive to promote parity and equality between women and men in the digital professions. It notably highlights female role models and encourages the sharing of best practices around parity in the digital professions to enhance their appeal for women.

As a founding member of the Fondation Femmes@Numérique, Societe Generale supports initiatives of general interest to increase the number of women in the digital professions, notably by encouraging female employees within the Group to register with the directory of “10,000 women working in digital professions” to promote women in IT.

For Xavier Lofficial, Group Head of Transformation, Processes and Information Systems: “There are too few women working in the digital professions, a sector that is in full expansion. Societe Generale is speeding up its digital transformation and this year we are recruiting more than 650 male and female IT staff in France. For us, diversity and gender parity address both a performance challenge and our capacity to attract talents. Our teams must reflect the same diversity as that of our customers if we are to respond as best as possible to their usage needs and expectations, and innovate and imagine the banking services of tomorrow.”

To know more about  Femmes@Numérique

Press contact:
Astrid Fould-Bacquart - +33 1 56 37 67 95 - Astrid Fould-Bacquart -   @SG_presse