Published on 06/03/2015

International Women's Day: Societe Generale is committed

Societe Generale believes the diversity of its employees is a key element of its strategy as a relationship-oriented bank. For the Group, gender equality reflects the bank’s capacity to appoint and promote the person whose skills are most suited for the job in question without prejudice or cultural filters. For this reason, the Group considers the promotion of women to positions of responsibility as one of its priority in terms of diversity policy.

Women at Societe Generale
- 60% of the Group's headcount
- 44% of Managers
- 39% of Strategic Talent (managerial remit)
- 45% of management employees in France (versus 36% in 2006)
- 43% of the Board of Directors (1)
(1) 42% excluding employee directors

To obtain tangible results in this area, the Group has implemented several measures, including:
- a Diversity Board comprising members of the Executive Committee and Management Committee, which ensures that diversity-related issues are a central objective of the business lines. It also monitors the progression of gender equality and internationalisation,
- a programme to promote awareness of unconscious biases has been conducted among 775 managers to date, helping them to manage accordingly their recruitment, promotion, evaluation, decision-making issues,
- supporting women's and mixed-gender networks established within the Group (more than 2,400 members worldwide),
- programmes specifically devised to accompany women, in which more than 700 employees have participated since 2007,such as the WILL Programme (Women in Leadership), launched in 2013,
- allocating a substantial budget to correct wage gaps between men and women. Since early 2013, EUR 3.56 million have been spent in this area, adjusting the situation of 1,820 female employees,
- supporting landmark events such as the European Diversity Conference in 2013 and 2015, the Global Summit of Women in 2014. During the latter, Frédéric Oudéa was awarded the "Corporate Champion Award" for the work over several years to bring the rate of female membership of the Board of Directors above 30%.

All of these concrete measures led to the bank being awarded the Professional Equality Label by the French professional standards body AFNOR in 2007.

"Diversity is an asset to the company: varied profiles and combined skills bring a host of ideas, help to detect faint signals so that risks and opportunities can be anticipated, and we can adapt and act rapidly. Above all, they allow us to better understand and serve our clients" says Edouard-Malo Henry, Group Head of Human Resources.