eCAC40 Awards 2017: Societe Generale takes 2nd spot in the Digital Champion rankings and is the highest rated bank

Published on 18/10/2017

Societe Generale has once again been recognised as one of the CAC 40’s top performers in advancing its digital transformation. At the 2017 edition of the eCAC40* Awards, Societe Generale was ranked second among the French top 40 companies that are managing the digital transformation challenge most effectively. It is once again the highest ranked bank, recognised for its consistent efforts in taking forward its digital transformation across all the evaluation criteria.

The eCAC40 Awards winners were selected by the editorial team of Les Echos Executives and Gilles Babinet, France’s Digital Champion at the European Commission. The jury, comprising a number of top digitisation experts, paid tribute to Societe Generale’s consistent positioning, year after year, among the firms that have advanced their digital transformation the most, and in each of the evaluation criteria.

Moreover, after securing fourth place in 2014 and 2015, and coming third in 2016, Societe Generale moved up to second position this year, demonstrating its continued pursuit of progress among the companies at the most advanced stage of their digital transformation, with Total (ranked 1st) and Orange (ranked 3rd).

We are delighted to be once again recognised by the eCAC40 2017 Awards for Societe Generale’s ongoing deep digital transformation, which is taking place across the entire Group. This transformation, both cultural and technological, has been rolled out in all the Group’s business lines, geographies and functions. It is today one of the strong priorities of our company, with the concern of combining the best human qualities and capacities of our employees with the latest technologies. Listening to our clients and opening up to our ecosystem, our employees are fully engaged in innovating, experimenting and working together to continuously reinvent banking”, explained Frédéric Oudéa, Chief Executive Officer of the Société Générale Group.


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*The eCAC40 award winners are selected by the editorial team of Les Echos Executives and Gilles Babinet, Digital Champion of France at the European Commission, in partnership with Datastax, Equancy, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Weborama, and after the review of a questionnaire analysed by a jury of digital transformation experts.

The members of the 2017 jury:  
- Alix Debussche, (PULSAR Open Art Prize)
- Gilles Thiebaut (Hewlett Packard Enterprise),
- Thierry Happe (Netexplo),
- Laurent Guez (Les Echos Executives),
- Xavier Guerin (Datastax),
- Marie-Christine Levet (Les Entrepreneurs Réunis),
- Florian Debès (Les Echos Executives),
- Gilles Babinet (European Commission),
- Guy Mamou-Mani (Groupe Open),
- Jean-Noël de Galzain (Wallix Group),
- Charlotte Weill (Equancy),
- Bertrand de la Selle (Equancy),
- Françoise Gri (Edenred),
- Chloe Bonnet (Five by Five),
- Frédéric Oliviennes (Weborama).
- Jean Bourcereau (Ventech).

About the ranking methodology:
The companies listed on the CAC 40 index completed a questionnaire on their digital performance, based on a series of criteria aimed at demonstrating the level of digitisation achieved in five areas:
         1. External communications and social media
         2. The digital ecosystem
         3. The level of technology expertise
         4. The digital culture
         5. Security

A score is given to each criterion, and then an overall score is obtained that is used to make a comparison between the companies. The weighting levels for the various criteria have been defined according to the relative impact of each criterion on the digital transformation of the individual companies.

Press contact :
Astrid Fould Bacquart - +33 1 56 37 67 95