Innovation and Digital
Published on 19/11/2021
TechWeek conferences: 3 major digital trends

TechWeek conferences: 3 major digital trends

TechWeek is an expected digital event bringing together Societe Generale employees regardless of their profession or location. It’s a perfect opportunity to discover the Group’s technological progress and understand how they improve their daily life and their clients. This year, TechWeek is aligned with the Group’s three strategic axes (Client, CSR, Efficiency) to better understand the challenges of data, platform, cybersecurity or cloud.

TechWeek also offers a series of conferences, three of them dedicated to major digital trends and open to a larger audience:

The New Now: where does global digital stand?
Tuesday November 23 - 12/1pm (Paris time)

With Sylvain Louradour (Netexplo)
A prospective and operational conference, in 3 episodes, with innovations captured on all continents and in all sectors:

  • PREDICTABLE ME predictability through AI and its limits
  • WORLDS ON DEMAND the overlapping worlds created by tech
  • HOPE IN TRANSLATION the means to link these worlds together: translation, inclusion, hybridization 

Conference in French, with English translation.

Female Role Models in Tech
Wednesday November 24 - 12/1pm (Paris time)

With Cécile Bartenieff (Societe Generale), Kelly Switt (Redhat), Marion Gardais (Capgemini) and Emmanuelle Larroque (Social Builder).
An inspirational talk with 3 special guests sharing their experience as women in the Tech sector and their vision to build a more inclusive world and work environment.

Conference in English, with French translation.

Gaia X: why and how to set up a European digital sovereignty?
Wednesday November 24 - 1.30/2.30pm (Paris time)

With Pierre Haslee (Societe Generale) and Alban Schmutz (OVH cloud).
With the health crisis, remote work and online business have grown, giving a prominent place to digital. The cloud, on which all these services are based, is now a major strategic and commercial challenge. In this context, come and discover Gaia X: why create a European sovereign cloud? What are the stakes and benefits for companies, banks and SocieteGenerale? Where are we in the construction of this project, which is based on trust.

Conference in English, with French translation.


Follow the conferences on Twitter and Linkedin Societe Generale.

Preview image for the video "TechWeek 2021 - Teaser EN".

TechWeek 2021: the Tech virtual show!

TechWeek 2021

Experience a unique event!
Visit a 100% online 3D virtual space, no matter what your job is!
Discover how the business lines combine digital & human expertise to transform themselves!

November 23 & 24, 2021