Corporate & Social Responsibility

Driven by their beliefs, Societe Generale employees initiated Earth Week 2024

Published on 10/06/2024
Driven by their beliefs, Societe Generale employees initiated Earth Week 2024

From 22 to 26 April, hundreds of members of staff, from across 4 continents and representing 10 different nationalities, participated in the first edition of “Earth Week”. Facilitated by four communities of employees committed to environmental issues, this event enabled a diversified programme to be offered to all Group employees worldwide: a plogging challenge (a friendly competition to collect waste while running or walking), quiz and conferences on climate and biodiversity, presentations of employees favourite works of art relating to the Earth theme, etc.

Employee networks and collectives are groups of employees who share common goals or life experiences, creating a culture of belonging. Each group can thus speak with a collective voice to decision-makers and managers.

The Societe Generale group has dozens of employee collectives around the world, committed to issues such as youth, gender diversity, the professional development of women, solidarity and the environment.

At the helm: personally and professionally committed employees

Convinced that many members of staff want to be able to contribute to the Group’s positive and responsible transformations beyond their professional duties, Raphaël Deswarte, Head of Data Lab in Societe Generale’s Risk Division, founded the S’engaGer community with a few colleagues in 2020. “It is an immense reservoir of energy that can be mobilised as long as the momentum is initiated and amplified. This is what we are working towards with our 150 members with numerous initiatives implemented over the last 3 years. In both my personal life and my work life, I often ask myself how I can be useful. Within a group such as Societe Generale, very useful actions are possible because when you are able to give impetus to a movement, there is a phenomenal leverage effect that can have a substantial impact.”

Chairwoman of the One Planet US community, Julia Albrecht is Culture and Conduct Business Analyst at Societe Generale Americas. More than ever aware of the challenges that need to be met, her commitment is an integral part of her daily life. “As well as being Chairwoman of the One Planet US network and a member of S’engaGer, I’m also a Climate Fresk facilitator. Earth Day is celebrated in the town I grew up in. I’ve retained what I learnt as a child regarding the impact humans are having on the world, and I use it every day: I compost, I walk to the office, I’m aware of the carbon footprint of my grocery supplies.”

Create bridges to unite energies and ideas

The strength of in-house communities lies in their ability to create solidarity within the Group.

The collaboration between different Societe Generale communities enables a wide variety of events to be organised, as each one brings its own specific vision and sensibility. This approach makes it possible to offer a wide variety of events involving three fundamental aspects: the rational (quiz, conferences), the action (plogging) and the emotions (favourite works of art).

The first of many?

The first edition of “Earth Week” was a resounding success. For reference, the kick-off of the “plogging” challenge was attended by staff from close to 15 Business Units worldwide. For example, through a number of actions, US participants contributed to the picking up of 112 kg trash and enabling 2,263 kg in CO2 equivalents to be saved”.