Sébastien Wetter


Sébastien Wetter - © SOCIETE GENERALE - André Mirat

Sébastien holds a Masters of Fundamental Physics and graduated from the Lyon Business School (EM Lyon). He began his career at Societe Generale in 1997 in the Strategy & Marketing division of Societe Generale’s retail bank.

From 2002 onwards, as part of the Group’s Organisation Consulting department, he led various assignments within the Corporate & Investment Banking activities and contributed to the roll-out of the Group-wide participatory Innovation programme.

At the end of 2005, he joined the commodities market department as Chief Operating Officer with a global remit, before becoming Head of business development in 2008. 

From 2010 until 2014, he was the General Secretary of the Group’s General Inspection and Audit.

In 2014, he joined the Coverage Division of the Corporate & Investment Bank where he held a number of positions: Head of the Client Management Unit for major French and international clients, then in 2016, Global Chief Operating Officer for the Financial Institutions coverage teams. Since the beginning of 2020, as a banker, he manages Societe Generale’s coverage with international financial institutions.

Sébastien Wetter Linkedin profile

Substitute: Emmanuelle Petelle

Emmanuelle Petelle has worked for 14 years with Societe Generale. Since 2020, she has been Deputy Head Trade Services.

Emmanuelle Petelle Linkedin profile

Mission Statement

Resolution #21: Societe Generale our enthusiasm makes a difference!

Conviction – Dialogue – Independence

7 reasons to confirm the clear choice expressed by employee-shareholders in October 2020:

  1. Finished 1st, among 14 candidate pairs, with 32% of employee-shareholders’ votes in the October 2020 election. We have since been joined by four other candidate teams. Together our teams won 58% of the votes cast in October.
  2. An in-depth knowledge of the bank's client and business issues, both in France and internationally.
  3. A duo representing corporate clients (from SMEs to large accounts), financial institutions, and individual clients, complementing the two employees already elected to the Board of Directors.
  4. Strong personalities to assert the interests of employees in the Board of Directors.
  5. The desire to establish a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders - employees, shareholders, board members, trade unions, associations, etc. - independently and free from any ties.
  6. Deep convictions:
    • environmental and social issues must be at the heart of all our development strategies;
    • as the European banking industry faces a wave of consolidation, every employee shareholder has a role to play in shaping our future;
    • our Group’s necessary transformation must take on board the concerns of both shareholders AND employees, in particular reinforcing training and mobility;
    • employee motivation depends on our ability to grow our business, achieve a strong share price, and capital increases reserved for employees;
    • Societe Generale’s universal banking model – global reach, diversity of expertise, and customer franchise – is a genuine strength to leverage;
    • to succeed we need to differentiate ourselves through innovation and deliver added value to clients, above and beyond the constant drive to improve efficiency. 
  7. Supported by a close team of 25 employees rich in its diversity, through a network of ambassadors in each profession and each country of the Group and by personalities who have given us their support (Territories, Justice, International Financial Sector and Large corporates, CSR, Consulting Firms, Education and Research, etc.).

Vote “For” Resolution 21 and “Against” Resolution 20

Sébastien Wetter et Emmanuelle Petelle

Some supporters express themselves:

The candidacy of Sébastien Wetter and Emmanuelle Petelle as directors representing salaried shareholders is in perfect harmony with the principle of governance advocated by the French Institute of Corporate Governance: there is no responsible governance without shared responsibility. Sébastien and Emmanuelle show a great sense of responsibility, both as employees and as shareholders, but also a concern for the common good for both the company and the company. This is the profile of directors that companies need, 1) driven by convictions, 2) with a serious and thoughtful knowledge of the business and economic issues of the company and 3) sensitive to the balance between its stakeholders.
Societe Generale's Board will undoubtedly benefit from their contributions. That is why I am happy to support their candidacy.

Pierre-Yves Gomez, Chairman of the French Institute of Corporate Government (IFGE)

I have no doubt that Sébastien Wetter will be able to put all his energy and his intimate knowledge of the Societe Generale trades to bring them before the Board. He also knows how to reconcile strong convictions and great listening qualities, without which a constructive dialogue cannot be established. He is a person we can count on, and I know that he will be committed to living up to the mission that could be entrusted to him.

Marie-Hélène Loison, Deputy Director of Operations – Agence Française de Développement

I have known Sébastien Wetter for many years. Having, like him, also worked for a time in an inspection and audit department, I appreciate above all his perfect independence of mind. Sébastien is both a man of dialogue, always listening to others in their diversity, and a man of conviction, deeply committed to defending his freedom of speech and action with courage and determination. He will undoubtedly be a talented and fully committed administrator to the future of the Group and its employees.

Philippe Rambal, Partner - Onepoint, former Inspecteur Général des Finances

I hope that the Board will have the opportunity to benefit from the support of Ms. Petelle, whose expertise in banking and financial markets, her commitment to representing employees, and her global, multi-sectorial network will be invaluable.

Carin-Isabel Knoop, Executive Director – Harvard Business School – Case research and writing group
Preview image for the video "Présentation de Sébastien Wetter candidat ARSA à l'AG 2021".

Presentation of Sébastien Wetter, candidate selected by employees shareholders, Annual General Meeting 2021
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Preview image for the video "September 2020 ARSA campaign".

September 2020 ARSA campaign
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