Appointment of Laura Berthout, Head of Payments of the SG network in France

Published on 28/06/2023

SG bank announces the appointment of Laura Berthout as Head of Payments for the SG network in France.

Laura Berthout will take up her position from mid-July 2023. She will report to Aurore Gaspar, Deputy Head of the SG network in France, and will be a member of the SG Executive Committee.

Laura Berthout will be in charge of supporting the retail bank's ambitions on topics related to payments. She will also play a major role within Societe Generale group in the development of strategic projects related to payments in Europe (such as the European Payments Initiative, the finalisation of the acquisition of PayXpert, or the development of offers for merchants and e-merchants).

Laura Berthout's extensive experience within the Group and her in-depth knowledge of payments in retail banking will be key assets for these missions.

Laura Berthout joined Societe Generale group in 2003 within the General Inspection division. In 2009, she became member of the Inspection management team. In 2013, she joined the corporate and investment banking teams as Head of Coverage for French companies in the energy and environment sectors.
In 2017, she joined the financing team for SMEs exporting commodities within the Africinvest Group in Tunisia. Since 2019, she has created and led the Payments Division for Africa, which includes Global Transaction Banking and Retail Payment activities. Laura Berthout is a graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Lille.