Understanding our annual results 2018

Frédéric Oudéa's editorial

After this first year in the execution of our 3-year plan, we have confirmed our long-term strategic ambition: delivering profitable and responsible growth thanks to a robust, diversified, more compact banking Group resolutely focused on its customers, in order to assist them in their positive transformation projects.

Expert View

3 key questions for 2019

2018 ended on a challenging note for the global economy with a significant loss of growth momentum in China and Europe, and the United States caught in a government shutdown. Combined with the uncertainty headwinds from ongoing trade tensions and Brexit negotiations, it’s no wonder that financial markets suffered a year-end slump. Entering 2019, investors have taken some comfort from the re-opening of the US government, positive rhetoric on the US-China trade talks and a more dovish tone from the major central banks, indicating that further monetary policy tightening is on hold for now. Equally important, the Unites States is now joined by China and France in delivering a more substantial fiscal boost to their respective economies. Nonetheless, important questions remain open and just how these unfold over the coming weeks will be key for the outlook of 2019.

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Preview image for the video "The Digital Transformation of Societe Generale".

The digital transformation of Societe Generale

Digital transformation is a key challenge for the banking sector. In addition to being an industrial revolution, digital transformation is a cultural revolution. Clients increasingly expecting value-added, personalised services, available anytime, anywhere, on any device, and staff want more empowerment, autonomy, agility and skill acquisition to innovate and reinvent the bank of tomorrow.


The new Societe Generale brand platform

One year after the launch of the Transform to Grow strategic plan, Societe Generale has lanuched a new brand platform. Under the engaging promise "The future is you", this signature marks the bank's ambitions for sustainable growth in the service of customers, the economy and society. " The future is in your hands " Our specialists consultants help more than 2,000 startups to develop their projects. Startups are key players in the economy. Fintech, Medtech, Cloud, Mobility, Retail, HR... they innovate in all sectors of the economy.



A growth plan for the entire African continent

The Grow with Africa initiative contributes to the sustainable development of Africa, in partnership with territories and local actors as well as international experts, by establishing dialogue, listening and sharing innovative means and approaches.

Societe Generale has identified four development areas that can become growth drivers for broader sectors in the future, mutually enriching each other in operational efficiency.


Preview image for the video "Playing for Philharmonie 2018".

Playing for Philharmonie

For this fourth year, three concerts have been scheduled, including one as part of the Philharmonie de Paris' annual programme and so open to the general public for the first time. This musical and human adventure brings together Societe Generale staff, amateur musicians and singers from France, Romania and Senegal alongside professional musicians from the Orchestre Les Siècles, as well as children from the Démos association.

Watch the stories of three of our members of staff

Adina's incredible day

The great day of Sandrine

André and his choir project

Find below our previous Letters to Shareholders

February 2020Letter to Shareholders #119 - Understanding our Annual Results 2019Go to the page
May 2020Letter to Shareholders #120 - Understanding our Q1 2020 ResultsGo to the page
June 2020Letter to Shareholders #121 - Annual General Meeting held on 19 May 2020Download PDF


February 2019Letter to Shareholders #114 - Understanding our Annual Results 2018Go to the page
Mai 2019Letter to Shareholders #115 - Understanding our Q1 2019 ResultsGo to the page
June 2019Letter to Shareholders #116 - Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2019Download PDF
August 2019Letter to Shareholders #117 - Understanding our Q2 2019 ResultsGo to the page
November 2019Letter to Shareholders #118 - Understanding our Q3 2019 ResultsGo to the page


November 2018Letter to Shareholders #113 - Understanding our 2018 Q3 ResultsGo to the page
August 2018Letter to Shareholders #112 - Understanding our 2018 Q2 ResultsGo to the page
June 2018Letter to Shareholders #111 - Annual General Meeting held on 23 May 2018Download PDF
May 2018Letter to Shareholders #110 - Understanding our 2018 Q1 ResultsGo to the page
February 2018Letter to Shareholders #109 - Understanding our 2017 Annual ResultsGo to the page


November 2017Letter to Shareholders #108 - Understanding our 2017 Q3 ResultsGo to the page
August 2017Letter to Shareholders #107 - Understanding our 2017 Q2 ResultsGo to the page
June 2017Letter to Shareholders #106 - Annual General Meeting held on 23 May 2017Download PDF
May 2017Letter to Shareholders #105 - Understanding our 2017 Q1 ResultsGo to the page
February 2017Letter to Shareholders #104 - Understanding our 2016 Annual ResultsGo to the page


November 2016Letter to Shareholders #103 - Understanding our 2016 Q3 ResultsGo to the page
August 2016Letter to Shareholders #102 - Understanding our 2016 Q2 ResultsGo to the page
June 2016Letter to Shareholders #101 - Annual General Meeting held on 18 May 2016Download PDF
May 2016Letter to Shareholders #100 - Understanding our 2016 Q1 ResultsGo to the page
February 2016Letter to Shareholders #99 - Understanding our 2015 Annual ResultsGo to the page


November 2015Letter to Shareholders #98 - Understanding our 2015 Q3 ResultsGo to the page
August 2015Letter to Shareholders #97 - Understanding our 2015 Q2 ResultsGo to the page
June 2015Letter to Shareholders #96 - Annual General Meeting held on 19 May 2015Download PDF
May 2015Letter to Shareholders #95 - Understanding our 2015 Q1 ResultsGo to the page
February 2015Letter to Shareholders #94 - Understanding our 2014 annual ResultsGo to the page


November 2014Letter to Shareholders #93 - Understanding our 2014 Q3 ResultsGo to the page
August 2014Letter to Shareholders #92 - Understanding our 2014 Q2 ResultsGo to the page
June 2014Letter to Shareholders #91 - Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2014Download PDF
May 2014Letter to Shareholders #90 - Understanding our 2014 Q1 ResultsGo to the page
February 2014Letter to Shareholders #89 - Understanding our 2013 Q4 & annual ResultsGo to the page


November 2013Letter to Shareholders #88 - 2013 Q3 Results (in French only)Download PDF
August 2013Letter to Shareholders #87 - 2013 Q2 Results (in French only)Download PDF
June 2013Letter to Shareholders #86 - 2013 Q1 Results (in French only)Download PDF
February 2013Letter to Shareholders #85 - 2012 Q4 & annual Results (in French only)Download PDF


November 2012Letter to Shareholders #84 - 2012 Q3 Results (in French only)Download PDF
August 2012Letter to Shareholders #83 - 2012 Q2 Results (in French only)Download PDF
June 2012Letter to Shareholders #82 - 2012 Q1 Results (in French only)Download PDF
February 2012Letter to Shareholders #81 - 2011 Q4 & annual Results (in French only)Download PDF


November 2011Letter to Shareholders #80 - 2011 Q3 Results (in French only)Download PDF
August 2011Letter to Shareholders #79 - 2011 Q2 Results (in French only)Download PDF
June 2011Letter to Shareholders #78 - 2011 Q1 Results (in French only)Download PDF
March 2011Letter to Shareholders #77 - 2010 Q4 & annual Results (in French only)Download PDF