Appointments within Group Inspection & Audit, Global Transaction & Payment Services, and Securities Services

Published on 02/06/2023

Societe Generale announces the appointments of Alexandre Maymat as Head of Group Inspection & Audit, David Abitbol as Head of Global Transaction & Payment Services, and Arnaud Jacquemin as Head of Securities Services. 

Alexandre Maymat is appointed Head of Group Inspection & Audit, effective July 1, 2023, succeeding Pascal Augé who has decided to leave the Group in the near future to develop a personal project. Alexandre Maymat will report to Slawomir Krupa. 

David Abitbol is appointed Head of Global Transaction & Payment Services, effective July 1, 2023, replacing Alexandre Maymat. 

Arnaud Jacquemin is appointed Head of Securities Services, replacing David Abitbol. His starting date will be announced later, once the European Central Bank has approved his successor as CEO of Societe Generale Luxembourg.

Both will report to Anne-Christine Champion and Alexandre Fleury, co-heads of Global Banking and Investor Solutions. Alexandre Maymat, David Abitbol and Arnaud Jacquemin will remain members of the Group Management Committee.

Slawomir Krupa, Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale, commented "I would like to warmly thank Pascal Augé for his commitment to the Group's interests over nearly 40 years and the excellence he has brought to the General Inspection. I am happy to appoint Alexandre Maymat at the head of our core Group General Inspection & Audit body. His 22 years of experience in various entities within the Group, his leadership and integrity will be instrumental to further enforce the highest standards of performance and risk management across the Group. I also congratulate David Abitbol and Arnaud Jacquemin for their appointment. In the Group for more than 30 years, David has acquired a deep knowledge of our customers, activities and operations worldwide, which will be key assets in pursuing the development of our Global Transaction Banking and Payment Services franchise. As for Arnaud, his diverse experiences within the Group, both in client activities and in central and control functions, will enable him to continue SGSS’ ambitious roadmap, aiming in particular at pursuing its transformation and diversifying the client franchise.”

_ Biographies in the attached .pdf

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Fanny Rouby_+33 1 57 29 11 12_
Sophie Dobrzensky_+33 1 57 29 19 11_