The combined General Meeting of 19 May 2020 shall be held without the physical presence of its shareholders

Published on 31/03/2020

On 31 March 2020, by audioconference, the Board of directors of Société Générale SA have decided that the combined (ordinary and extraordinary) General Meeting of May 19, 2020 shall be held at 4 PM without the physical presence of its shareholders given the measures limiting public gatherings due to the health status in France.

This decision stems from article 4 of ordinance N ° 2020-321 of March 25, 2020 relating to the holding of General Meetings, taken by the Government by virtue of the authorization conferred on it by the Emergency Law March 23, 2020 to address the covid-19 epidemic.

The date, time and place of the General Meeting as decided by the Board of Directors during its meeting of 5 February 2020 remain valid. The convening brochure which will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) will provide all the useful information on the holding of the General Meeting of 19 May 2020 and the conditions and methods for the shareholders to participate. These terms will be communicated on 10 April 2020, once they have been finalized by the Board of Directors.

In this context of health crisis, Societe Generale will be particularly careful with regard to the respect of the shareholders’rights and will look after the quality of the shareholder dialogue in particular via the vote by postal voting form, or the vote by Internet (VOTACCESS) and the procedure of the written questions.

Societe Generale already invites its shareholders to regularly connect to the section dedicated to the General Meeting on the company's website which will be updated on the decisions taken and recalls that, as every year, the General Meeting will be broadcast on the company's website.

Press contacts:
Antoine Lhéritier +33 (0)1 42 13 68 99
Corentin Henry +33 (0)1 58 98 01 75