Published on 18/05/2016

Annual General Meeting and board of directors dated 18 may 2016

Annual General Meeting The Combined General Meeting of shareholders of Societe Generale was held on 18 May 2016 at Paris Expo - Espace Grande Arche, La Défense, and was chaired by Mr. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi.

Quorum was established at 56.97% vs. 54.66% in 2015:
- 620 shareholders attended the General Meeting;
- 932 shareholders were represented;
- 6789 shareholders voted online;
- 2932 shareholders voted by post;
- 8458 shareholders, including 6676 online, representing 0.63% of the share capital, gave proxy to the Chairman.

All the resolutions put forward by the Board of Directors were adopted, in particular:
- The 2015 annual and consolidated accounts were approved;
- The dividend per share was set at EUR 2. It shall be detached on 25 May 2016 and paid from 27 May 2016;
- One director was renewed for 4 years: Mrs. Nathalie Rachou;
- Two directors were appointed for 4 years: Mr. Juan Maria Nin Genova and Mr. Emmanuel Roman;
- Favorable opinions were issued on the components of the compensation of the chief executive officers ("Say on pay") as well as on the compensation paid in 2015 to regulated persons;
- The share capital increase authorizations, in particular the one allowing the issuance of shares in favor of employees as part of a company or group employee share ownership plan, as well as the authorization to allocate performance shares existing or to be issued as part of the Law dated 6 August 2015 called “Loi Macron”, were adopted for 26 months.
The detailed result of the votes will be available on the Company's website from 19 May 2016 under the section “Annual General Meeting”.

Board of Directors

Following the renewal and the appointments of Directors, 50% of Board of Directors’ members are women including 5 women appointed by the shareholders (41.6%). The rate of independent Directors is higher than 91.6% (11/12) according to the calculation method of the AFEP-MEDEF corporate governance Code. The Board of Directors will be composed of 14 members including 2 Directors elected by the employees in March 2015 for 3 years:
- Mr. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Chairman
- Mr. Frédéric Oudéa, Chief executive officer and Director
- Mr. Robert Castaigne, Director
- Mrs. Barbara Dalibard, Director
- Mrs. Kyra Hazou, Director
- Mrs. France Houssaye, Director elected by employees
- Mrs. Béatrice Lepagnol, Director elected by employees
- Mr. Jean-Bernard Lévy, Director
- Mrs. Ana Maria Llopis Rivas, Director
- Mr. Gérard Mestrallet, Director
- Mr. Juan Maria Nin Genova, Director, effective from 1 September 2016
- Mrs. Nathalie Rachou, Director
- Mr. Emmanuel Roman, Director
- Mrs. Alexandra Schaapveld, Director.