Published on 25/07/2023


Access the latest Risk&Opportunities reports published by the Societe Generale group’s economists.
In these reports, which complement Scenario Eco, the Group’s economists take a more in-depth look at some of the more structural aspects of topical issues fuelling the economic debate.

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Risk&Opportunities - Public debt in Africa: too high? too inefficient? at least too expensive 419.33 KB
Risk&Opportunities - Shifting specialisation patterns: A worldwide view 1.62 MB
Risk&Opportunities - Euro area: normalisation of inventory dynamics will weigh on growth in 2023 470.2 KB
Risk&Opportunities - Euro area: beware of the bullwhip effect 627.06 KB
Risk&Opportunities - In France, inflation is still mainly imported, for the time being Find out more 178.53 KB
Risk&Opportunities - Africa and climate change: needed investments will be difficult to finance (Part 2) 468.67 KB
Risk&Opportunities - Africa and global warming: low contribution but high vulnerability (Part 1) 407 KB
Risk&Opportunities - FDI at a tipping point 388.32 KB
Risk&Opportunities - TLTROs: here to stay? 230.15 KB