Societe Generale board of directors: proposed renewal and appointment of directors

Published on 17/03/2014

The Board of Directors of Societe Generale has agreed on the resolutions which will be submitted to the ordinary and extraordinary Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held on May 20th 2014.

Two resolutions relating to the appointment of directors will be proposed:

  • The renewal of Mr Robert CASTAIGNE’s mandate as an independent Director for a further four-year term; Mr CASTAIGNE is a member of the Board of Directors’ Audit, Internal Control and Risk Committee;
  • The appointment of Mr Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI as an independent Director for a four-year term. He will be replacing Mr Gianemilio OSCULATI who has been a Director of the Board since 2006 and whose mandate is coming to an end.

If these resolutions are approved at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors will have 14 members, including 2 employee representative members, elected by the employees in March 2012 for a three-year term, and ten independent Directors. Its six female members would account for 42% of Directors, or 33% of Directors elected by shareholders, which is the scope of the law of January, 27 2011 promoting a balanced representation of men and women in Boards of Directors.


Mr Robert CASTAIGNE, born in 1946, has spent all his career at Total, first as an engineer and then in various functions. He served as Total’s chief financial officer and as a member of its executive committee from 1994 until 2008. He is also a Director on the Boards of Sanofi and Vinci.

Mr Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI, born in 1956, an Italian citizen and a French speaker (a graduate in Economics from the Catholic University of Louvain and from the Lycee Français in Brussels), has a large central banking experience, acquired both at the European Central Bank, where he sat on the Executive Board from 2005 until 2011, as well as at the Bank of Italy. Holding a PhD from the University of Chicago, he occupied various posts at the European Monetary Institute and at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, where he was in charge of international financial relations between 1998 and 2005. He served as non-executive Chairman of SACE, the Italian credit agency, from 2001 until 2005. Mr Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI has been working as SNAM non-executive Chairman since 2012 and was a non-executive Director of Morgan Stanley International between 2013 and 2014.