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BLANCHE BANGUIO ASTARIS - Continuous Improvement Expert DEVELOPING A MINDSET OF CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETE GENERALE 2014-2015 I 55 The Financial Education project is an awareness programme for young professionals, so I go out into secondary schools to explain the role of financial tools in their daily lives. Together, we develop a sense of team spirit so that the company aids these young people, by making them aware of the importance of knowing how to manage their budgets effectively. My commitment to working with young people gives me the feeling of going beyond team spirit within the company by providing guidance for our young people. Watch the full interviews on FELIX ORSINI - Global Co-Head, Debt Capital Markets Corporate Origination SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENTS I co-manage a worldwide team of around 40 people whose job is to advise major corporations on all aspects of raising finance in the bond markets. ‘Green bonds’ are standard bonds but the funds raised must be used exclusively for socially responsible investments. For the companies concerned, it’s a way of demonstrating their long-term commitment to important issues and reaching a population of investors who are particularly sensitive to these issues. For Societe Generale, this idea of long-term commitment is absolutely essential. And that’s why we have become so quickly and heavily engaged in the responsible bonds market. “MAKING YOUNG PEOPLE AWARE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING HOW TO MANAGE THEIR BUDGETS” COMMITM ENT “WHEN WE TALK ABOUT ‘LONG TERM’, WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HOW COMPANIES ARE CHANGING THEIR BEHAVIOUR” France France

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