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SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY A STAFF 52 I SOCIETE GENERALE 2014-2015 ctive in all of the countries in which the Group operates, the Societe Generale Foundation for Solidarity supported 102 projects by non-profit organisations in 2014, bringing the total number of projects backed since its creation in 2006 to 756. Assisting job seekers, running workshops and helping companies supporting workplace integration, fighting against illiteracy and more… These ongoing efforts to promote professional integration were complemented in 2015 by a special initiative in support of organisations working to integrate disadvantaged groups through sporting and cultural activities. A call for project proposals was launched and the Foundation’s budget was increased by €250,000, bringing the total to €2.55 million in 2015. Societe Generale seeks to generate greater interaction between groups active in workplace integration, sports and culture by drawing on its partnerships in these three areas. By supporting innovative educational projects, it also works to help young people establish their professional careers. ENGAGEMENT All programmes combined, the staff of Societe Generale devoted 1,667 days’ work to partner organisations of the Societe Generale Foundation and other organisations supported by the Group in France and internationally. The Group is actively engaged in society through a combination of the Societe Generale Corporate Foundation for Solidarity’s financial support of projects run by non-profit organisations and the direct involvement of Group employees in solidarity-based initiatives. “SPORT DANS LA VILLE (SPORT IN THE CITY) REACHES OUT TO YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE NEIGHBOURHOODS WHERE THEY LIVE. WE PROVIDE THEM WITH LASTING SUPPORT THROUGH SPORTS PROGRAMMES that are complemented by workplace integration programmes such as Job dans la Ville (Jobs in the City), which Societe Generale has backed for the past six years. Support by a large company such as yours is very important. We’re also an entrepreneurial operation in that we seek results. It’s what we owe our partners and the young people who we put on the path to employment.” Philippe Oddou, co-founder and Managing Director of Sport dans La Ville

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